Our family’s goal for our weekend in Chattanooga was simply to break up these dreary winter days - to get out of the house, see a different set of four walls, and spend a little time with friends. I’ll say that our mini vacation far surpassed expectations! .....
If you’ve ever driven past Elmington park on a Sunday afternoon, you’ve probably uttered some version of ‘WTF?!’ Under your breath. The park is overtaken by medieval warriors bearing foam swords and battling it out - an odd scene to be taking place across from West End .....
I don’t like to listen to cheesy music in the car. I’m not a big fan of crafts. I don’t talk in baby talk. No, I’m not a cold, cranky $&*@#, I’m just not one with a natural affinity for preschool-type activities. So, I’ve come up with .....